HPS Work-in-progress seminars: Semester 1, 2023/24

Work-in-progress seminars are all on Tuesdays in Botany House 1.03, 12:00-13:00 (PM). All of them will be in hybrid format.

You are welcome to bring along some lunch and carry on the conversation afterwards (13:00-14:00) as well! Note: this will sometimes have to be 13:00-13:30 (term 1, 23/24).

If any queries: Stefan Bernhardt-Radu; prsbr@leeds.ac.uk

All the sessions can be accessed via zoom here:

Zoom link / Meeting-ID: 878 1247 4624 (if logging without a university account, a code is requested; either look at the weekly-circulated HPS research digests; or e-mail Stefan for the code)

Online Word Document:


October 3: Welcome: HPS Meet, Greet & Lunch

October 10: Jon Topham “Really Useful Knowledge”

October 17: Jamie Stark “Microbes for All: starting to make histories of culture collections”

October 24: Yihan Jiang “A Theory of Causation for Ontic Structural Realists”

October 31: B.V.E. Hyde “Rethinking Conflicts of Interest”

ROOM CHANGE! BAINES WING 1.16. November 7: Adrian Wilson “The eighteenth-century Great Instauration: next steps”

November 14: Josh Hillman “A new approach to the Industrial Revolution; or, is my JRF proposal any good?”

November 21: Franziska Kohlt, “Childish Things?: The uses of books with – and without – pictures and conversations in the SDUK’s ‘Libraries’” (Note: Fran Kohlt’s talk has been moved from, while Alex King’s to, the 5th of December).

November 28: Jon Hodge and Greg Radick, “Darwin, Wallace and Counterfactual History”

December 5: Alexander King “An encyclopaedia for the working class? Audience and readership for nineteenth reference works”